I am deeply touched that 100+ people attended my book signing. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Gothamites, Fellow Friars, and clients for helping me make this event such a success. A big thank you to Team Brainlink for all of your hard work!
A Special Thank You
Consumer Rights in Cyber Space: The Need for Safeguarding Our Privacy
Our country has a wonderful history of citizens standing together and demanding rights owed to us. The auto manufacturers in America, for example, fought every single safety innovation, including seatbelts, anti-lock brakes, and airbags. They were willing to let people endanger themselves with their cars and faulty tires until Ralph Nader and other consumer rights […]
Creating Obvious SOPs
We recently acquired a client with a very vibrant staff that is a joy to work with, lots of technology, and a very open culture of sharing…except in the IT department. The previous IT director was/is a brilliant guy who solved some very thorny business problems with very clever technology (their marketing platform involves 7 […]
Bring Common Sense to Tech Consumption
Being a pioneer is overrated. The latest in “smart” technology has introduced a flood of conveniences into your home. Everything from thermostats to fridges have been updated and automated to anticipate and solve your problems, at least on the service. However, this wave of exciting new gadgets brings its own dangers, too. Just because technology […]
Payroll Heists, Cybercriminals And YOU: Best Practices for Protecting Your Organization
Author, entrepreneur, IT expert and public speaker, Raj Goel is globally known as the go-to man in cyber security and privacy law.
Payroll Heists, Cybercriminals, and You: Best Practices in Protecting Your Organization
October 22, 2015 – 8:30am – 10:00am National American Payroll Association/Long Island Chapter Seminar Raj Will Present: Payroll Heists, Cybercriminals, and You: Best Practices in Protecting Your Organization There are only 2 kinds of people. People who are about to be hacked; and those who’ll be hacked again. It’s as simple as that – either […]
Leading Cyber Security Expert Releases Guide to Online Security
Unplugged Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity Launches New York City (PRWEB)October 13, 2015 Technology has transformed our homes, schools and workplaces, from castles to virtual prisons. NEW YORK CITY – October 13, 2015 – Raj Goel, leading cybersecurity expert, is pleased to announce the release of his second book Unplugged Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity: What to […]
First Fridays with Raj – How 400 SOPs Can Change Your Life
First Fridays with Raj: How 400 SOPs Can Change Your Life October 9, 2015 at 10:00am Listen Now By now you probably know that SOPs can do a world of good for your business and your client’s business. They improve quality, consistency, and save time, so what’s not to like? Still, the thought of creating […]
How 400 SOPs Can Change Your Life
For a business owner who has never used an SOP, or Standard Operating Procedure, the thought of 400 SOPs might seem daunting, even ridiculous. But not only is it attainable, having 400 SOPs integrated into your business can be the key to finally seeing your company run smoothly and efficiently. SOPs can be an invaluable […]
Raj’s Book Warming October 16th, 2015 at The Friars Club
The Friars Club, located at 57 E 55th Street in New York City will be hosting a Book Warming party at 6PM on October 16th, 2015, for Information Technology expert and fellow Friar Raj Goel’s recently published book, Unplugged: Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity: What to Teach Your Kids & Grandparents Before They Access The Internet. […]