Press Release by NYD CyberSec – Social Media

Raj Goel

Press Release by NYD CyberSec – Social Media

Noted expert makes 5th appearance at cyber security conference Computer security expert Raj Goel is making is fifth appearance as a speaker and presenter at the New York State cybersec event in Albany in early June. New Yorkʼs Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) is hosting the event. Helping Navigate Stormy Seas is […]

Credit Card Skimmer Found at Columbus Circle Subway Station

Credit Card Skimmer Found at Columbus Circle Subway Station

The next time you load up on your Metrocard at one of the machines you might want to take a closer look. Jacki Bryk has the reason why your next refill could give thieves access to your credit cards. Episode Transcript: JACKI: They say life’s all about the journey, but a recent trip on the […]

The Architecture Of Global Surveillance

Do civil liberties still exist? Or is privacy dead? How do you raise children in the era of Snapchat, smartphones and Google Glass? Abstract: Snowden, Anonymous, NSA, FBI, GCHQ, Boeing, China, Cisco, ATT, Verizon, Google, Facebook, GM, Ford, Apple, Amazon, Your doctor, Spouse, Grocer, iPhone, android, your child’s school. What do they have in common? […]

Android is the NEW Windows—PROTECT YOURSELF!

Android is the NEW Windows—PROTECT YOURSELF!

According to leading security researchers, malware on the Google Android platform has increased 600% – and now has over 650,000 viruses and Trojans. In more ways than one, Google is aping Microsoft. Windows became the global desktop leader due to it’s low cost and compatibility with a wide range of manufacturers. Security wasn’t even an […]

THE LIGHTER SIDE: Did June Know This?

Did you know it is Candy Month? Go ahead and satisfy your sweet tooth – you’re supposed to! Also, the polar opposite: it is also Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month. Aside from that, June is National Turkey Lovers’ Month. Americans consume more than 353 million pounds of turkey during National Turkey Lovers’ Month. Marilyn Monroe […]

The Email Privacy Concerns You Should Be Worried About

The Email Privacy Concerns You Should Be Worried About

The end of email privacy is upon us. New software allows users to learn an increasing amount of information about you just by sending you an email. Jacki Bryk has the details about why your inbox won’t ever be the same. Episode Transcript: JACKI: You might want to pause before opening your next email […]

Why Do Journalists, Correspondents and Editors Trust Raj Goel?

Why Do Journalists, Correspondents and Editors Trust Raj Goel?

5 time Emmy Winner, Jay Dow recommends Raj Goel, CISSP as a media-friendly, knowledgeable, cyber security expert. Episode Transcript: RAJ: So Jay, we’re in New York City and you have your pick of the top cyber security experts in the world. This is our 7th or 8th interview. Why did you pick Raj, why did […]