The Age Of Personal Surveillance Is Here

Raj Goel

The Age Of Personal Surveillance Is Here

The Age Of Personal Surveillance Is Here

NEW YORK (PIX11) – JAY DOW INTERVIEWS RAJ GOEL Once upon a time, when it came to hi-tech phone surveillance, the NSA used to be the only game in town. And while some of the capabilities exposed by former contractor Edward Snowden are indeed mind-blowing, these days anyone – from your best friend, to your […]

Raj’s WPIX-11 TV Interview – The age of personal surveillance is here

“The age of personal surveillance is here…” NEW YORK (PIX11) – JAY DOW INTERVIEWS RAJ GOEL Once upon a time, when it came to hi-tech phone surveillance, the NSA used to be the only game in town. And while some of the capabilities exposed by former contractor Edward Snowden are indeed mind-blowing, these days anyone […]

The Lighter Side

Have You Heard This Before? “March comes in with an adder’s head, and goes out with a peacock’s tail.” – Richard Lawson Gales “Up from the sea, the wild north wind is blowing under the sky’s gray arch; Smiling I watch the shaken elm boughs, knowing It is the wind of March.” – William Wordsworth […]

Raj Gives Back

Raj Gives Back

Building the ULTIMATE Marketing & Operations Machine The Holiday 2012 issue of The Economist had a fantastic article on the history of hotels (Hilton, Marriott, Ritz, etc) and it quoted J.W. Marriott, Jr. When I say that the company’s prosperity rests on such things as our sixty-six-steps-to-clean-a-room manual, I’m not exaggerating. J.W. Marriott, Jr. Former […]

Raj has a brand new chair

On Tuesday, Feb 11, The Friars Club unveiled a brand new chair. To say that I’m honored is an understatement. And thanks go to my wife for an AWESOME birthday gift!  (almost as good as bourbon and … oh wait, kids might read this….redacted…)

How Long Do Hard Drives Really Last?

100% of all hard drives will eventually fail. This is a fact. Some will fail prematurely due to manufacturers’ defects while others will fail because a mechanical part finally wears out. The question is, how long until that happens? Online backup provider has kept 25,000 consumer-grade hard drives constantly running for the last 4 […]