Cyberhood Watch Interview – SOPA, Net Neutrality

Raj Goel

Cyberhood Watch Interview – SOPA, Net Neutrality

Cyberhood Watch Interview – SOPA, Net Neutrality

Raj Goel provides internet & information security for businesses and families from regulators, hackers, and employees. Raj points out that the biggest change in 2011 and into 2012 is the speed of which the Internet is being Balkanized from different providers. First, it use to be that our fears and concerns stemmed from the government, […]

Facebook: Releasing your personal data reveals our trade secrets

We’ve said for years that the internet remembers forever.  Here’s proof that Facebook embodies that ethos… Here’s a SMALL sampling of what Zuckerberg collects, repacages and sells…but never deletes…. Pokes are kept even after the user “removes” them. Facebook is collecting data about people without their knowledge. This information is used to substitute existing profiles […]

CHWRadio Interview – Raj Goel, will talk about phishing, email scams & fraud, etc…

CHWRadio Interview – Raj Goel, will talk about phishing, email scams & fraud, etc…

Brainlink has extensive experience in working Pharmaceutical and healthcare markets, especially on time-sensitive, privacy and/or security oriented solutions. From 24×7 crisis management, to security analysis and problem solving, Brainlink brings a wealth of experience in reducing costs, increasing performance and garnering client satisfaction. Raj’s “Is your company Googling it’s Privacy and Security Away” article appeared […]

Raj Goel on Social Media

Raj Goel, CISSP, is an IT and information security expert with over 21 years of experience developing security solutions for the banking, financial services, health care, and pharmaceutical industries. A well-known authority on regulations and compliance issues, Raj has presented at information security conferences across the USA and Canada. He is a regular speaker on […]

Why Law Firms Should NOT be Backing Up Documents in the Cloud

Raj Goel, CISSP CTO Brainlink International, Inc. 917-685-7731 Raj’s LinkedIn profile This article appeared on John Edwards (no, not THAT John Edwards) did a great job of summarizing various backup tools available for CLOUD backups, and some risks inherent in it. My opinion is that law firms should NOT be using public or […]