Raj Goel, CISSP, is an Oracle and Solaris expert and he has over 18 years of experience in software development, systems, networks, communications and security for the financial, banking, insurance, health care and pharmaceutical industries.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
Are You Googling Your Privacy Away?
Raj Goel, CISSP, is an IT and information security expert with over 18 years of experience developing security solutions for the banking, financial services, health care, and pharmaceutical industries.
Living in a MultiCompliance World I: HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, PCI/CISP
Education does not guarantee awareness Formal education is not enough to create Information Security awareness
Living in a Multi-Compliance World – I: HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, PCI/CISP HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, PCI/CISP
Education vs. Awareness Education:Transference of knowledge in a specific area Awareness:Having or showing realization, perception or knowledge
Another Day, Another Privacy Law:
Raj Goel, CISSP, is an Oracle and Solaris expert and he has over 18 years of experience in software development, systems, networks, communications and security for the financial, banking, insurance, health care and pharma ceutical industries. Raj is a regular speaker on HIPAA, SarbanesOxley, Information Security and other technology and business issues, addressing diverse audiences […]