Hackers set up live streaming website for over 100 NYC private webcams – PIX11
Tech analyst on Ashley Madison hack: ‘Internet security is an oxymoron– it does not exist’ – PIX11
NYPD counter-terrorism unit shifts focus to Dark Web to monitor potential threats – PIX11
Legal battle between Apple and FBI challenges public’s concern of privacy versus protection – PIX11
The Friars Club This noteworthy private club is a foundational part of New York City’s culture. Famous for its comedic roasts and arts-based philanthropy, this club’s membership began with comedians and entertainers, and today boasts members from a wide range of industries, such as {company} founder and CEO Raj Goel. (ISC)2 The International Information System […]
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Raj Goel | CISSP
What if you could predict and budget your IT costs?
Are your IT costs budgetable? Are you able to proactively plan for your technology expenses in order to achieve success? Not without a Runbook from Brainlink. Designed as an operations bible of sorts, a Runbook from Brainlink takes the guesswork out of your IT procedures and provides you with a detailed account of your technology […]
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