

Bring Common Sense to Tech Consumption

Being a pioneer is overrated. The latest in “smart” technology has introduced a flood of conveniences into your home. Everything from thermostats to fridges have been updated and automated to anticipate and solve your problems, at least on the service. However, this wave of exciting new gadgets brings its own dangers, too. Just because technology […]


How 400 SOPs Can Change Your Life

For a business owner who has never used an SOP, or Standard Operating Procedure, the thought of 400 SOPs might seem daunting, even ridiculous. But not only is it attainable, having 400 SOPs integrated into your business can be the key to finally seeing your company run smoothly and efficiently. SOPs can be an invaluable […]


Raj’s Book Warming October 16th, 2015 at The Friars Club

The Friars Club, located at 57 E 55th Street in New York City will be hosting a Book Warming party at 6PM on October 16th, 2015, for Information Technology expert and fellow Friar Raj Goel’s recently published book, Unplugged: Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity: What to Teach Your Kids & Grandparents Before They Access The Internet. […]

The thought of modern technology can be a little scary.

Modern advances are quickly outrunning policy and laws that are meant protect its users; that said, I don’t advocate living in a state of fear I do, however, believe in being informed. I use a smartphone, my whole family has computers, and all my clients have complex IT environments. With the ever-growing prominence of modern […]

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The Lighter Side

EXAMPLES FROM BRITISH MILITARY OFFICERS’ REPORTS PART II 1. Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn’t watching. 2. If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean. 3. It’s hard to believe that he beat 1,000,000 other sperm. 4. A room temperature IQ. 5. Got a full 6-pack, but lacks […]

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Protecting You: Disco, 8-Track, Tape Backups

A construction firm asked me to test their backup system because they were unable to restore critical files after a Cryptowall breakout and their IT provider had stopped returning their call. Here’s what I found: The firm had been paying for backups for the past five years. The backup software was five years old. The […]


Raj’s New Book – Available Now on!

“I found Unplugged: Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity to be not only useful, but a funny, fascinating read as well. The book is full of anecdotes and real-world examples that paint a sobering picture of the Big Brother-esque trends happening all around us. Many stories surprised me – is this actually what our world is like […]

‘In Loco Parentis’ Increasingly Means Schools Are Crazy

Courts have long held that when a child goes to a school, school officials serve as in loco parentis. This essentially means the school staff takes over some of the responsibilities of a parent. With the advances in technology and the ability to monitor students away from school, some educational systems are taking the in […]

Social Media: The Myth of a Private Profile

Typically the biggest problem social media companies face is the issue of privacy, or rather how to reassure their consumer that privacy is a priority. They all have privacy policies. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg says “we value your privacy”. Eric Schmidt says he values your privacy. Everybody says we value your privacy, but do they really? You […]

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The Lighter Side

EXAMPLES FROM BRITISH MILITARY OFFICERS’ REPORTS 1. His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of idle curiosity. 2. I would not breed from this Officer. 3. This man is depriving a village somewhere of its idiot. 4. This officer can be likened to a small puppy – he runs around excitedly, leaving little […]