Raj’s New Book – Coming Soon
“I found Unplugged: Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity to be not only useful, but a funny, fascinating read as well. The book is full of anecdotes and real-world examples that paint a sobering picture of the Big Brother-esque trends happening all around us. Many stories surprised me – is this actually what our world is like […]

Adult Friend Finder Data Breach – Blackmail R Us?
Whether it’s Tinder, Snapchat, AshleyMadison or AdultFriendFinder (AFF), many people aren’t looking for love…they’re looking for instant physical gratification. There’s nothing wrong with sex between consenting adults. However, there’s plenty wrong with submitting your sexual preferences online. To quote from the International Business Times: Blackmail The information contained in the leak includes usernames, post codes, […]

The Lighter Side
Texas Policing Two guys driving through Texas get pulled over by a state trooper. He taps on the driver’s window, the driver rolls it down, and the trooper smacks the driver in the head with his night stick. The driver asked why he did that. The trooper says, “You’re in Texas, son. When I pull […]

The Joy of SOPs – Better Than Pizza, Better than Chocolate, Better THAN SEX! How to Create Effective SOPs
If you look at any type of documentation, crack open Apple, or Microsoft, or whoever, the classic model is it looks more like a textbook. There’s a chapter heading, a lot of text, maybe a table. By the time you’ve finished reading it, your mind is numb, you’re brain fried, and you’ve just become functionally […]

The Importance of Vacations
One of the best ways to grow your business, whether you’re a solo-preneur or you have a thousand employees, is to actually plan vacations, and when necessary, force your people to take them. We, as Americans, are scandalous at not taking vacations. We have given up millions of vacation days a year. And as human […]

The Lighter Side
“Secrecy is when your parent doesn’t know *which* cookie you stole. Privacy is when they don’t know you’ve been to the cookie jar.” – Andy Ellis, CSO, Akamai Technologies “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got […]

Brainlink’s SOP Interview Amongst Continuum’s All Time Top 5 List
Raj Goel was interviewed by MSP Radio on “How to Build Excellent Standard Operating Procedures That Will Drive Business Growth.” It made Continuum’s TOP 5 shows of all time! Listen Here: https://www.brainlink.com/SOP-MSPRADIO

Gotham Golf 2015
Gotham City Networking, Inc(r)’s 2015 Golf Outing On August 17, 2015, registration for this event begins at the Cool Spring Country Club at 8:30AM. For more information, visit here: https://www.brainlink.com/2015-gotham-golf “I know it’s a golf outing, but in the words of my cofounder Nancy Schess “it’s all about the food” & in the words of […]

How To Get Your Team to Buy Into SOPs
How To Get Your Team to Buy Into SOPs Once my team started using SOPs, we got so into them we went from having none to 250 in just four months. Now we have over 750. How? We created a system that incentives them, and it’s revolutionized our business. Gamify SOP adoption – Score Points […]

The Fight for Privacy
For those of us older than Millennials, we grew up in the age of privacy. We all learned at some point that loose lips sink ships; don’t say anything you wouldn’t say or repeat in public. Our kids and grandkids have no such training. People share what they had for breakfast and “like” what the […]