Brainlink named Most Progressive Partner at the inaugural Channelnomics Innovation Awards
Brainlink has been named Most Progressive Partner at the inaugural Channelnomics Innovation Awards (CIAs). Raj Goel, CISSP attended the Innovation Awards winners’ dinner in New York City on Thursday November 29, 2018 to collect the prestigious award. This is an incredible honor for Brainlink. To be recognized as an Innovator in the MSP space, […]
Are You a Sitting Duck?
How Fast Could Your Company be Back Up and Working? You hear it all the time from us-back up your data, keep your virus protection current, and install and maintain a firewall to protect yourself from hackers and other online threats. However, while these precautions will certainly help you avoid problems, they CAN’T do anything […]
Brainlink is bringing pre-minute pricing to our vPSA engagements vPSA RESERVED: vPSA SPOT: vPSA ON-DEMAND: $0.19/minute $0.35/minute $0.46/minute (19 cents per minut) 1 year commitment (35 cents per minut) 3 month commitment (46 cents per minut) 5 days commitment Which Option Would You Like? 19 cents per minute, 35 cents per minut or 46 […]
Are you violating The SEC’s Recently Proposed Anti-Fraud Rule?
Disruptions to your business come in a range of shapes and sizes. Whether it’s an unprecedented onsite emergency or an unusually delayed response from a key vendor or business contact, both can throw off your business’ continuity. Without thorough and effective business continuity planning, a disruption of any size can affect your business’ productivity, bottom […]
Do You Know What’s Going On In Your Network?
Making the right decisions for your business depends entirely on what information you have available to you at any given time. If you don’t really know what’s happening in your business, how well it’s performing, and where it may be failing, how can you effectively lead it? This is especially true of your business technology. […]
What is Managed Security And Why Do You Need it ?
What is managed security? A lot of companies, thought leaders and vendors are talking about MANAGED SECURITY and MANAGED SECURITY SERVICES PROVIDERs (MSSPs) – but what are they? Simply put, MSSPs keep an eye on your security systems (firewalls, routers, log collectors, SIEMs, Antivirus and Antimalware dashboards) and either alert your in-house team to take […]
Written Information Security Plan (WISP) Service & Audits
Why you need to consider a WISP The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) has listed cybersecurity as a key focus area in its 2015 risk-based assessments. The addition of cybersecurity as a 2015 OCIE priority comes on the heels of the April 2014 release of sample cybersecurity […]