How to Protect Yourself against Passport Thieves
What does a missing Malaysian aircraft, passports and IT security have in common? Recently, I was interviewed by WPIX-11 on “How to protect yourself against high tech passport thieves”. We discussed the privacy and security threats associated with RFID-enabled passports. Over the past decade, the US government has started embedding smart chips inside US passports, […]

How to protect yourself against high-tech passport thieves
NEW YORK (PIX11) – But revelation that two Iranian passengers on the flight were able to board using stolen passports – has not eased concerns about what appear to be gaping holes in the international security net that we all rely on once we leave America’s sphere of influence. As more information pours in regarding […]

Raj’s WPIX-11 TV Interview – The age of personal surveillance is here
“The age of personal surveillance is here…” NEW YORK (PIX11) – JAY DOW INTERVIEWS RAJ GOEL Once upon a time, when it came to hi-tech phone surveillance, the NSA used to be the only game in town. And while some of the capabilities exposed by former contractor Edward Snowden are indeed mind-blowing, these days anyone […]

The Lighter Side
Have You Heard This Before? “March comes in with an adder’s head, and goes out with a peacock’s tail.” – Richard Lawson Gales “Up from the sea, the wild north wind is blowing under the sky’s gray arch; Smiling I watch the shaken elm boughs, knowing It is the wind of March.” – William Wordsworth […]

What Should Firms Learn From The Target Breach?
In late 2013 Target was hit with a major credit card fraud malware attack when hackers gained access to their network through the corporation’s HVAC vendor Fazio, who had been given external access for business purposes. What may have been a standard process for providing vendor access just a few years ago became a major […]

Windows XP Retires April 8, 2014. Are you prepared?
THIS IS IT. No more patches. No more updates. No technical or legal protection. And you could be violating HIPAA, PCI-DSS, State & Federal Privacy Laws and New York State Ethics Rules 1.6 as it relates to client privacy. WHAT DOES END OF SUPPORT MEAN TO YOU? Running Windows XP 5P3 and Office 2003 in […]

The Age Of Personal Surveillance Is Here
NEW YORK (PIX11) – JAY DOW INTERVIEWS RAJ GOEL Once upon a time, when it came to hi-tech phone surveillance, the NSA used to be the only game in town. And while some of the capabilities exposed by former contractor Edward Snowden are indeed mind-blowing, these days anyone – from your best friend, to your […]

Raj Gives Back
Building the ULTIMATE Marketing & Operations Machine The Holiday 2012 issue of The Economist had a fantastic article on the history of hotels (Hilton, Marriott, Ritz, etc) and it quoted J.W. Marriott, Jr. When I say that the company’s prosperity rests on such things as our sixty-six-steps-to-clean-a-room manual, I’m not exaggerating. J.W. Marriott, Jr. Former […]

Raj has a brand new chair
On Tuesday, Feb 11, The Friars Club unveiled a brand new chair. To say that I’m honored is an understatement. And thanks go to my wife for an AWESOME birthday gift! (almost as good as bourbon and … oh wait, kids might read this….redacted…)

How Small Businesses Should Budget For IT Expenses
A question that seems to come up a lot lately with clients, in some form or fashion, is “How should I properly budget for IT expenses?” While this is a great question, there are a lot of variables that determine the answer, so I can’t provide a “one-size-fits-all,” simple answer. However, below are some general […]