The Lighter Side Why Men Are Thankful this (and every) Thanksgiving
What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put The garage is all yours. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. Car mechanics tell you the truth. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. […]

7 IT Policies And Procedures That Companies Under HIPAA Regulations Must Have
HIPAA and HITECH have been around for quite some time. Even so, many companies covered by these laws are way behind the times when it comes to actual implementation. And when you really think about it, even companies not covered by these laws should have the requisite policies and procedures in place. Access Control Policy. […]

Teach Your Kids About The Dangers Of Snapchat
Snapchat is a popular service for high-school & college kids to use in place of texting, and sharing naughty photos. The savvy kids know that sending SMS/texts or emails isn’t safe and more and more, they’re using services such as SNAPCHAT, WhatsApp, Vine, etc. The promise of Snapchat was that the texts, photos and videos […]

Upcoming Presentations
Live Seminars at The Friars Club 1) Oct 3 – 8am – 10 am – FOR ARCHITECTS: DECLASSIFIED DEBRIEFING From The FBI – Cyber Criminals Are Targeting Architectural Firms. Learn How To Protect Your Business. https://www.brainlink.com/architectseminar 2) Oct 25 – 8am – noon – CSSWorks, Chicago – Protect Your Family & Business From Cyber Criminals […]

Are You Paying Your Staff To Download Movies, Porn
We’ve discovered (and stopped) employees from: Playing games Downloading movies (which is illegal!) Surfing “adult escort” sites Downloading porn Pirating software If you’re concerned about what your employees are doing online, or want to make sure they don’t put your business at risk, give me a call. My team can put together an effective internet […]

Protect Your Checking/Savings Accounts
Over a billion dollars are lost each year in the United States through “ATM Skimming” – far more than any losses from bank robberies – and it’s growing at a rate of more than 10% every year. ATM Skimming is a cybercrime where the criminals steal (or “skim”) your ATM/debit card data when you’re using […]

The Lighter Side: Happy Cookie Month!
The most popular type of home-baked cookie is the Chocolate Chip cookie. Over-mixing the dough or adding too much flour can result in hard, tough cookies. The first animal crackers were produced in the United States by Stauffer’s Biscuit Company in 1871. Nabisco’s Barnum’s circus version hit the market in 1902. The modern version of […]

Creating Strong Passwords
It should not surprise you that a LOT of online sites are tied together. Gawker.com, LinkedIn.com, Yahoo.com, Facebook, iCloud , World Of Warcraft, Farmville- they’ve all been attacked and criminals have stolen millions of user accounts. And research shows that many, many people use the same password across multiple sites. This turns a small problem […]

Protect Your Family & Business From Cyber Criminals
It’s no secret that cyber-crimes are all over the news. From Ukrainian hackers stealing millions to Syrian Electronic Army hijacking the AP twitter feed and (falsely) claiming that the president was injured, to teens bullying a young girl over Facebook, digital crimes are all over the news. So, what can you do about it? First, […]

Are You Paying Your Staff To Download Movies, Porn or look for a New Job?
We’ve discovered (and stopped) employees from: Playing games Downloading movies (which is illegal!) Surfing “adult escort” sites Downloading porn Pirating software If you’re concerned about what your employees are doing online, or want to make sure they don’t put your business at risk, give me a call. My team can put together an effective internet […]