Lessons learned from THE LAST SHIP

Category: Blog

The Lighter Side

A guy was hitch-hiking on a very dark and stormy night. Suddenly he saw a car roll slowly toward him and stop. He jumped into the back seat and closed the door. Then realized there was nobody behind the wheel. But the car started slowly rolling forward again. He was really freaked out when he […]

How to Use SOPs to Cut Expenses, Cross Train Your Team, and Increase Client Satisfaction

You might think that IT problems are too unique to use Stand Operating Procedures, but you’d be wrong. You can use SOPs to great advantage in your business; in fact they can completely transform your business. Eliminate Vertical Data Silos If you’re not using SOPs, each employee is a vertical data silo of their own […]

When Your Computer Has Been Taken Hostage: What To Do About Ransomware

A particularly vicious form of malware has grown exponentially in recent years – ransomware to be specific. This type of software restricts access to your files until a ransom is paid to its creators. Incidents have been increasing, and unfortunately some victims are resorting to paying the ransom in order to regain access. But is […]

The Lighter Side

On Sep 8, 1966, Star Trek first appeared on TV…and changed our lives forever. I wasn’t born when Star Trek first aired, but I watched the reruns on WPIX-11 during my high school years (Go Bronx Science!). How did Star Trek change the world? 1. Trek was a Civil Rights Pioneer The first show to […]

Protecting You: Playoffs or Projects?

We perform daily security analysis for our clients (yes, it’s very labor intensive and requires sharp investigatory skills). During one of them, we noticed that a single employee had excessive internet usage. Digging deeper, we noticed that he had spent almost the entire day watching the playoffs. We doubly-verified the activity by looking at the […]

Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015

Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015

“He lived long…and prospered a billion minds. All of us who grew up watching TOS and benefit from technology owe him a debt. Now it’s our turn to carry on his legacy. Inspire the young – Teach them logic, science and the will to investigate mysteries.” Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: “The Challenge” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPkByAkAdZs “Live […]

What You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You: Personal Rights and Social Media

Recently in Aurora, Colorado, a young man put on Facebook that he had hit a vehicle when he was drunk and didn’t stop at the scene of the crime. Within 20 minutes of him posting on Facebook, two of his Facebook friends had called local cops, and he was arrested. On the one hand, this […]