In facing an increasingly tech-based economic environment and rising cybercrime rates, financial service institutions are under more pressure now than ever to ensure client data stays secure. Compliance is the top priority in financial data security and without understanding the clearly defined security standards that financial institutions are required to uphold, IT decisions can’t be made properly. Even more challenging? The list of compliance standards for professional finance firms is constantly evolving and must be adhered to strictly to avoid steep fines and penalties.
However, many financial institutions simply don’t have the time, strategic expertise or manpower to be consistently focused on IT concerns and security compliance. Because many financial institutions don’t have the in-house capacity to ensure all these considerations are made, business leadership teams often turn to technology experts for help. Partnering with an experienced technology strategist not only helps with upholding compliance standards, it can also help streamline operations and drive productivity.
Raj Goel, CTO at New York City’s Brainlink International, is a data-security veteran who is passionate about promoting tried and tested data security strategies within the professional finance space. He commits himself to serving as a regular speaker at financial industry events, in hopes of driving awareness. Goel recently gave a talk at UBS, providing key insights into cyber security concerns for members of the financial industry. His talk examined the latest developments in personal and business technology, and how poor practices, sub-par programming and more have made the user vulnerable.
“Playing an active part in educating financial service professionals is a priority I take very seriously,” says Goel. “Hedgefunds & WealthManagers play such a critical social and economic role in their clients’ lives and with cyber criminals getting more sophisticated, there really is no room for error when it comes to securing client’s data.”
“I have over twenty years’ experience working with financial service firms to strategically use technology, training and processes as a means of tightening security,” continues Goel. “I’ve watched both the financial and technology landscapes evolve over the years and have evolved strategies to match. Considering my experience, I take any chance I can to share my knowledge with the professionals who are entrusted to safeguard and grow client assets.”
Is your financial service firm struggling to stay on top of information security and compliance? Looking for a process-driven technology partner to lighten the load? Get in touch with Raj and his team of experts right away to see their expertise in action. (917) 685-7731 or raj@brainlink.com.