Brainlink founder Raj Goel appeared on the Evolved Radio podcast to talk about his Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Culture. Hosted by Todd Kane, the podcast features interviews with successful members of the business community to share best practices, insight, and strategy.
Todd invited Raj on the show to talk through his development and implementation of SOPCULTURE as a fool-proof way to ensure detailed and comprehensive documentation of all business processes, in order to achieve precise quality control, simplified execution of tasks, and further advantages. Todd began the episode by simply asking Raj to explain the benefits of SOPCULTURE.
“The key thing it enables for us is to standardize our service,” explained Raj. “When we started doing this, I didn’t set out to invent SOPCULTURE, it sort of happened out of necessity. For me, it really stemmed from looking at our service, comparing it to my favorite restaurants, and realizing just how far a gap there is between what we delivered as a service and what we expect from a local Starbucks. The SOPCULTURE has enabled to improve our service and customer experience in incremental steps.”
Continuing, Raj explained the key advantage that SOPCULTURE offers when it comes to staff training – a comprehensive library of documents and resources for new team members. Raj has found that a common complaint among new hires is the lack of training materials. SOPCULTURE provides a way to create a detailed, day by day training manual of processes that new employees learn over the course of the first 90 days on the job.
“I can’t fix people,” explained Raj. “I can’t fix attitudes, but I can fix process. Every time we do something and find that we forgot to do that step, or that a step has to be included, it’s much easier to fix the process, and the next time around we deliver a better service and a better product.”
Todd then moved the conversation to talk about the franchise model and how it applies to SOPCULTURE – the idea of every location in a chain of restaurants, for example, being predictable and consistent.
“It’s the consistency of the customer experience that keeps people coming back,” added Raj. “For us, that is the most critical differentiator. To be blunt about it, I know a lot of MSPs, and I thought we were good and I thought we knew what we were doing, but in reality, we weren’t Starbucks, we weren’t even Alice’s Diner. Some days we were great, some days we were terrible. It wasn’t until several clients rebelled and said we’re not paying for this – those are learning moments.”
Todd and Raj continued to talk through many more benefits and advantages offered by SOPCULTURE, so to get all the details, be sure to listen to the full episode for yourself right away.
For more information about SOPCULTURE, get in touch with Raj right away at {phone} or {email}.