As important as technology is, it’s not a business’s greatest investment; a business’ greatest investment is in its people. The time and resources your business spends on interviewing, hiring, and training new employees are considerable. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that you get the right return on those investments.
Unfortunately, doing so isn’t a simple task. From hiring to training, bringing a new employee into your business can take months, and what’s worse, all of it can be undone if that employee doesn’t end up staying with your business. Whether they’re let go at the end of their probationary period, or they move on to a different position, it will often be just as you were about to see a return on the time you invested in their training.
Isn’t there a better way?
Are your hiring and training processes costing too much money? Reach out to Brainlink today at (347) 460-2238 or raj@brainlink.com to discover a better way to bring new employees into the fold.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Brainlink struggled with diminishing returns on our new personnel for a long time before we decided that enough was enough. We developed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Culture as a way to clearly and effectively document every task our business undertakes. Why shouldn’t this include our hiring and training processes as well?
By developing SOPs that document every single step in the hiring and training process, we drastically cut down the time needed to onboard a new employee. Regardless of who is managing the process or who is being hired, there’s now a clear roadmap for objectives and expectations right from the very start. Instead of waiting up to two months for an employee to become effective, we can expect them to have a comprehensive understanding of their position in less than half that time. That’s because the minute they’re hired, we give them a 997-page SOP mandatory training manual. SOP Culture can provide a number of benefits to your hiring and training processes, including:
- Simplification: A properly developed SOP makes it easy for both you and the new employee to see what expected of them in any given time interval, whether it’s after their first day or after three months. This helps to avoid miscommunication of expectations and results (which quickly weeds out the lazy and incompetent).
- Consistency: With a single — if long — SOP for each and every employee, it’s easier to ensure that everybody on staff knows what they need to know and when they’re expected to know it.
- Results: The less time you have to spend hiring and training, the sooner your new employees will start benefiting your business.
Want to know more about SOP Culture? Check out these resources:
- Discussing the foundation of SOPCulture with Sweet Process
- How & Why Your team should be creating Obvious SOPs
- Accelerating & Improving Employee Training Using SOPs
- An Influential blogger’s Take On SOPCulture
Don’t allow an inefficient training process to negate the investments you make in new employees. To see what SOP Culture can do in your business, get in touch with the Brainlink team today by calling us at (347) 460-2238 or emailing us at raj@brainlink.com.